I help women reduce their joint pain and inflammation, and lose menopausal weight so they can move with ease again!

Sherri Fogelman

Certified Holistic Health and Nutrition Coach

I help women reduce their joint pain and inflammation, and lose menopausal weight so they can move with ease again!

Sherri Fogelman

Certified Holistic Health and Nutrition Coach

Areas of Expertise

  • Certified Holistic Health and Nutrition Coach, Institute for Integrative Nutrition

  • Certified Intermittent Fasting Coach, Cynthia Thurlow School

  • Certified Health and Wellness Coach, eCornell

  • Graduate of The Health Professional Academy

Sherri Fogelman helps women in midlife get relief from joint pain and inflammation using food and lifestyle as medicine. A life-long student of nutrition, wellness, and longevity, Sherri suffered for years with the debilitating symptoms of Psoriatic Arthritis, before healing herself. After studying at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, Sherri began coaching other women in their quest to relieve their pain and stiffness using nutrition and lifestyle shifts. Sherri and her husband, John, have 3 children and split their time between Park City, UT and Los Angeles, California with their two labradoodles.

My Story

Despite eating “healthy” almost my entire adult life, I found myself at the age of 40, plagued by fatigue, weight gain in my belly, and achy joints, including my back and hips so bad that I could not sleep at night or step out of bed without pain. I was told by doctors that I was "just a typical tired mom of 3 and this is just the way it is.” I had constant nasal drip to which I was told I had "allergies”. I was finally diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis after my finger blew up like a sausage, and was immediately put on Indomethacin and, of course an acid blocker called Prevacid, because the Indomethacin could potentially burn a hole in my stomach causing death within 30 minutes. Now that was a side effect I did not care to have!

But the medicines only worked up until a point. I was dismayed by the idea of taking meds for the rest of my life. What was it doing to my digestive tract? My liver? Wasn't there something else I could do?

Remarkably, I remained active, playing tennis, hiking, dog walking, running after my 3 kids with manageable discomfort. But I was still tired, and I still needed an extra Advil or Motrin here and there. On the outside, I was the picture of health, but on the inside I was taking too many meds for my liking. I was also eating a basically vegan diet, which I thought was the “right” path for me. Turns out, a vegan diet can be very inflammatory for someone like me as I was now relying heavily on grains for protein.

My rock bottom was when I was about to turn 50 and the Rheumatologist informed me that it was time to quit tennis or go on a serious medication called Methotrexate which is also used to treat cancer. That’s when I said, ENOUGH!

I'd asked my doctor for a few months to help me figure this out. I asked him if nutrition would reduce the inflammation (now, this is the Head of Rheumatology at a major hospital) and he honestly replied " Yes, but I’m not your person for this. Try googling “anti-inflammatory diet.”

This sent me on my quest to figure this out myself. I challenged myself to focus on cleaning up my diet and getting rid of inflammation for 30 days. Well 30 Days turned into 60, and 60 turned into 90, and before long I was feeling like a new person; no runny nose, no hip pain, no joint pain, no back pain, and no more naps. I actually removed all the inflammatory and allergic foods for 90 Days! With my doctor’s blessing, I stopped taking both of my medications and have never looked back. Some of the foods I will occasionally eat, but because I cleaned up my gut and balanced my microbiome, my gut could handle a few lobs here and there.

If you are a woman in midlife struggling with joint pain, stubborn menopausal weight gain, fatigue, and/or brain fog, and want to get moving with ease again without depending on NSAID’s, or other meds just to live and move without stiffness and pain click the button below to get your free starter kit and let's connect. You deserve to feel amazing too!

Break Free From Joint Pain

Starter Kit Includes

  • Gut Check Quiz

If you have chronic joint pain, the root causes can be multifaceted including an imbalance gut. Take my quiz to find out if your gut imbalance may be at the root of your joint pain.

  • 8 Tips to Reduce Your Joint Pain

Read on for some important ways you can reduce your joint pain.

  • Healthy Habit Tracker

Track your new habits for better accountability!


I first started working with Sherri in July 2018. At the time, I was experiencing arthritic pain. I had stopped taking arthritis medication after being on it for about a year, and the pains had slowly been returning. I did Sherri's program and within a couple of weeks, my head felt much clearer and I was no longer in brain fog. I also noticed that the nasal drip that I regularly experienced was going away. After about a month, my arthritis pains also went away. MY DOCTOR WAS AMAZED! He said my inflammation markers had reduced and that I no longer needed to see him unless the pain returned.


The numbers don't lie! I have lost 30 pounds in 4 months. My percentage of body fat dropped 10 %. After 5 years I now have the confidence to wear my jeans with my t-shirt tucked in!! Next on my agenda.....GO SHOPPING!


Before working with Sherri my hands were so swollen that my rings didn’t fit, my clothes didn’t fit because my tummy fat had grown - I never had weight there before, -and I was ALWAYS tired. I was also addicted to sugar. I was a vegan so I had a difficult time getting enough proteins without relying on carbs like rice and whole grains. Sherri made it so easy to feel better. I never felt like I was dieting and I was NEVER hungry. I no longer have ANY joint pain, my rings slide on and off and the best part is losing 25 pounds! I will never go back to my old lifestyle.

Liz L

I've loved working with Sherri so much, I have learned so much from her. I've been really surprised at how these small changes in such a short amount of time can have such a huge impact. And I really appreciate how loving and supportive but firm she is and she tells it like it is, she's so knowledgeable and I've just learned a tremendous amount and she's really inspiring. I'm so I am so grateful for the opportunity to learn from her.


Sherri changed my life!

I’m one of the lucky men to have engaged Sherri. She only takes on male clients who suffer from psoriatic arthritis, and suffer I do---er, did. I’d already been on monthly injections of biologics for a couple of years but for a while they hadn’t been working as effectively as they used to. My rheumatologist was threatening to put me on stronger biologics, potentially more damaging to the liver. As a vibrant, active 64-year-old that was the last thing I wanted. I was then reminded that battling this illness with nutrition and a different approach to eating was Sherri’s specialty.

Sure enough, after months of waking up unable to make a fist and with multiple trigger fingers, the program she put me on resulted in a 70% reduction in pain and swelling after just 4 days. I woke up able to make a tight fist and without any triggering in my fingers. And while I didn't go to her to lose weight or inches, a side benefit to her program was the loss of 6.5 lbs in the first week. In total, over the first 90 days or so I lost almost 25 lbs and 4 inches off my waist.

Over the next 4-5 months I’ve managed to keep off the weight and inches and keep my hands in good shape by following Sherri’s teaching most of the time. It’s actually not that hard to do once you get used to it and understand what’s going on in your body. I do stray, mostly on special occasions or vacations, but I have found that as much as I love the inflammatory foods, in volume they usually bring back triggering and pain while swelling my fingers and adding a couple of pounds to the scale. Then it’s back on Sherri’s program and after a couple of days things return to my new normal where I feel better and look better. My rheumatologist says that I won't need to upgrade my biologics as long as this is working, and right now (around 8 months in) I see no reason why it shouldn’t last for the rest of my life.

Thanks, Sherri, for your effective teaching and coaching!

Got a question?

If you’re curious about how you can reduce your debilitating joint pain, inflammation, and menopausal weight gain, and get back to the activities you love without relying on meds, just click the link below and book a free consultation so we can explore your individualized best plan of action!